on the provision of ___ services
m. Kyiv
LLC "KYIV INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF RELATIVE PSYCHOANALYSIS AND PSYCHOTHERAPY" (hereinafter - the "Performer"), in its director Chukanova AO, acting on the basis of the statute and ) this proposal to enter into an agreement (offer) and by its actions expressed its intention to accede to this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer"), on the other Party, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, and each separately - the Party educational services (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) on the following:
1.1. This Agreement is concluded by providing full and unconditional consent (acceptance) of the Customer to enter into the Agreement in full, without signing a written copy of the Agreement by the Parties.
1.2. The contract is a treaty of accession with all the consequences specified in Art. 634, 641, 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine.
1.3. The contract is considered concluded (the offer is considered accepted) from the moment of implementation of any of the following actions:
- payment (including partial) by the Customer or another person of the cost of the Contractor's services;
- implementation by the Customer of any action aimed at accepting the offer to enter into this Agreement or the actual use of services under this Agreement.
1.4. By accepting this Agreement, the Customer confirms the fact of acquaintance, consent and acceptance of all conditions of this Agreement as a whole (in full without exceptions).
2.1. After acceptance of this Agreement, the Contractor offers and undertakes to provide the Customer with educational services for listening and training in courses, lectures, seminars, webinars online (hereinafter - also called - services) in LLC "KYIV INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF RELATIVE PSYCHOGRAPHY"
2.2. The Contractor's services for listening and training in courses, lectures, seminars, webinars online, depending on the Customer's choice, may include one or more areas. The program, the scope of each of the areas of courses, lectures, seminars, webinars, their description, duration of online classes, and other information are posted on the website of the Contractor at the link: https://kisrpp.com/
3.1. Services under this Agreement are provided by the Contractor, by conducting online classes in real time or in recording, according to the Customer's chosen course, lectures, seminars, webinars and / or providing the Customer with access to educational and informational online materials.
3.2. After accepting this Agreement, the Customer is provided with access to the online platform / service, where links to online classes and / or educational and informational online materials (videos, texts, etc.) will be posted throughout the course. The Contractor may send a recording of online classes (after they are held), and / or training and informational online materials (video, text, etc.) to the e-mail address or other messenger of the Customer, at his request.
3.3. If it is impossible to conduct online classes in a predetermined time, for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor, the Contractor may postpone the date of their notification by notifying the Customer by posting information on the Contractor's website at: https://kisrpp.com/
3.4. Services under this Agreement are considered to be provided by the Contractor:
- for online classes in real time - from the end of the online lesson (regardless of whether the Customer took part in it);
- on providing access to records, educational and informational online materials (video, text, etc.) - from the moment of implementation by the Contractor of the technical possibility of access to records or materials (regardless of whether they were used by the Customer).
3.5. All claims of the Customer regarding the provision of services under this Agreement are accepted by the Contractor for consideration in writing within 2 (two) days from the date of provision of services. The Contractor shall consider the claim received from the Customer within 7 (seven) days from the date of its receipt. Claims received by the Contractor after the specified period are not considered.
3.6. If during the period specified in paragraph 3.5 of this Agreement the Contractor has not received a claim, it is considered that the services provided by the Contractor properly, in full, without comments and signing the act of acceptance-transfer of services. Acts of acceptance-transfer of provided services may be signed at the request of the Contractor.
4.1. The Contractor is obliged to:
4.1.1. Carry out training of the Customer on the course, lectures, seminars and webinars chosen by him in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, only if the Customer pays for the services of the Contractor, in accordance with this Agreement.
4.1.2. Provide the Customer with educational and informational online materials (videos, texts, etc.) during training.
4.2. The Contractor has the right to:
4.2.1. Cancel the Customer's access to online classes in case of violation of the payment terms stipulated by this Agreement until full payment.
4.2.2. To choose at its own discretion the methods and techniques of teaching in courses, lectures, seminars and webinars, which is not contrary to this Agreement.
4.3. The customer is obliged to:
4.3.1. Timely and in full to pay for the services of the Contractor.
4.3.2. Demonstrate mutual respect for the teaching staff, the administration of the Contractor and others.
4.3.3. Provide personal data to the Contractor using the online form in the prescribed form on the Contractor's website at the link: https://kisrpp.com/
4.3.4. To obtain a non-governmental certificate, you must appear at the Contractor's office.
5.1. The cost of the Contractor's services is posted on the website at the link: https://kisrpp.com/ and depends on the course chosen by the Customer, lectures, seminars and webinars provided under this Agreement.
5.2. The cost of services does not include bank / payment system fees charged at the time of payment.
5.3. Payment for services is made by the Customer or another person, in the national currency of Ukraine, in non-cash form by transferring funds to the account of the Contractor specified in this Agreement or through payment systems, by prepayment or according to schedule on the website at: https: //kisrpp.com/
5.4. The date of payment for services is the date of crediting funds to the account of the Contractor.
5.5. When paying, the Customer in the purpose of payment indicates: Name and full name of the course and date of the course, as indicated on the website at the link: https://kisrpp.com/ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_After payment, the Customer must fill out the online forms of the prescribed form, which is on the website at the link: where you must provide your contact information (phone, e-mail) and other information necessary for the Contractor to provide services for this Agreement. In case of failure to notify the Customer of the specified information, the Contractor shall not be liable for failure to provide services under this Agreement.
5.6. If courses, lectures, seminars and webinars do not start due to insufficient number of students, the contractor informs the student, and the payment is returned to the Customer if the original application of the Customer, copy of passport and certificate of RNOKPP.
6.1. All copyrights and related rights to online recordings, educational and informational online materials (videos, texts, etc.) that became known to the Customer during the provision of the service belong to the Contractor. The customer has the right to use them only for personal purposes.
6.2. The Customer has no right to transfer access to the received records of online classes, educational and informational online materials to third parties without the written consent of the Contractor, to publish, publicly reproduce in any way and in any form, to repeat, copy and use in commercial purposes.
7.1. The Parties shall be liable for non-performance and / or improper performance of the terms of this Agreement in accordance with applicable law and this Agreement.
7.2. The Contractor is not responsible for the inconsistency of online classes and / or training and informational online materials with the expectations of the Customer according to his subjective assessment.
7.3. The Contractor shall not be liable if the Customer has not been able to use the services for reasons beyond the Contractor's control (the Customer does not have the appropriate software, its malfunction or other technical restrictions, lack or restriction of Internet access, non-participation in online). classes for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor, etc.). In this case, the paid cost of services is not refunded, and the Contractor does not make any compensation.
7.5. In case of transfer by the Customer of any educational or informational online materials (videos, texts, etc.), records of online classes and other data received by him under this Agreement, third parties without the written consent of the Contractor, including for commercial purposes, the right to terminate the Customer's access to the personal account and demand compensation from the Customer for damages.
8.1. By accepting this Agreement, the Customer, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection", gives the Contractor its irrevocable consent to the processing of personal data of the Customer, and agrees to transfer such data to third parties for the purpose of this Agreement.
9.1. The Parties shall be released from liability for full or partial non-performance of their obligations under this Agreement if such non-performance is due to force majeure circumstances arising after the conclusion of this Agreement and which the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable means.
9.2. Force majeure circumstances (force majeure circumstances) under this Agreement are extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances that objectively make it impossible to fulfill the obligations under the terms of the Agreement, obligations under legislative and other regulations, namely: threat of war, armed conflict or serious threat of such conflict, including but not limited to enemy attacks, blockades, military embargoes, actions of foreign enemies, general military mobilization, military actions, declared and undeclared war, actions of public enemy, riots, acts of terrorism, sabotage, piracy, riots, invasion, blockade, revolution, revolt, uprising, mass riots, curfew, quarantine imposed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, expropriation, forcible seizure, seizure of enterprises, requisition, public demonstration, blockade, strike, accident, illegal actions of others explosion, long breaks in transport, regulated conditions of relevant decisions and acts of public authorities, closure of sea channels, embargoes, prohibition (restriction) of exports / imports, etc., as well as caused by exceptional weather conditions and natural disasters, namely: epidemic, severe storm, cyclone, hurricane, tornado, storm, floods, accumulation of snow, ice, hail, frost, freezing of the sea, straits, ports, passes, earthquakes, lightning, fire, drought, subsidence and landslides, other natural disasters; other events in the host country or region that endanger the life, health and personal safety of persons beyond the control of the Parties, etc.
9.3. The Party for which it has become impossible to fulfill its obligations due to force majeure (force majeure) must immediately, by any available means, notify the other Party of such circumstances as soon as possible: the time of occurrence, the possible duration and probable date of termination of these circumstances.
9.4. The existence and validity of force majeure (force majeure) must be confirmed by a certificate issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine.
10.1. The Contractor reserves the right to make changes to the terms of this Agreement. In the event of amendments to this Agreement, they shall enter into force upon publication of the new version of the Agreement.
10.2. All disputes arising from the implementation of this Agreement shall be resolved by negotiation between the parties. If disputes are not resolved through negotiations, they are resolved in accordance with applicable law.
USREOU 44061041
No. UA233052990000026002006218392
Legal address: Brovary, Kyiv region, street Vladimir the Great 10A, office 49
Tel: +380930745125
Email: kisrpp@gmail.com